Getting KISSED!!

In addition to my classic photo insert albums I will now be offering KISS wedding books. They are an awesome company (customer service at midnight awesome) with top of the line products. Well, they really only offer two products, KISS books and Little KISSes (see below). They try to keep it simple stu…. Anyways…

The KISS books are offered in an 8×8, 10×10, and 12×12 inch sizes with flush mounted photo spreads (there is no visible gutter between the pages). The only other option for the books is the color of the leather. Why so few options? Because simple is HOT (you can thank KISS books for that slogan).

Until I get my sample album in the next week or two I thought I would throw up a couple of pictures to show off wonderful books.

And the only other product they offer..

Looking for miniature version of your album for family and friends? KISS has it covered with these 3 5/8″ x 3 5/8″ books. They come in sets of nine and the color matches your KISS book.

Want more info on these? Contact us and setup a time to meet
